
Pengsong Zhang

Ph.D. Candiate
University of Toronto
pengsong.zhang (at) mail.utoronto.ca


I am currently a Ph.D. Candiate in the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering at University of Toronto. I am fortunate to work with Prof. Xinyu Liu.

My research lies at the intersection of micro-/nano robotics and artificial intelligence –with a special focus on biomedical applications. My research interests include reinforcement learning, computer vision, LLM agents, generative models, 3D reconstruction, and genetics interaction.

Publications [Google Scholar][DBLP]

  1. TIE
    Guangming Cui, Pengsong Zhang, Xinyu Liu, Linbo Xie, Wentao Huang, Peng Pan, Juntian Qu, Qigao Fan
    IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics (TIE), Volume 70, Number 10, 2022.

  2. TMAG
    Qigao Fan, Pengsong Zhang, Juntian Qu, Wentao Huang, Xinyu Liu, Linbo Xie
    ( Corresponding author)
    IEEE Transactions on Magnetics (TMAG), Volume 57, Number 7, 2021.

  3. CSME
    Pengsong Zhang, Peng Pan, Shaojia Wang, Runze Zuo, Tiancong Wang, Wentian Tang, Yuhang Wang, Mingzhe Sun, Qiwu Zhang, Yuxiao Zhou, Yu Sun, Xinyu Liu
    Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering (CSME), ID 241, 2024.

  4. SA
    Pengsong Zhang, (xxx)
    Science Advances (SA) 2024 Submitted.

  5. Research
    Pengsong Zhang, (xxx)
    Science Partner Journal (Research) 2024 Under review.

Invited Talks

Micro-/nano robotics






Journal Reviewers

Conference Reviewers


Address: 5 King's College Rd, Toronto, ON M5S 3G8
Office Location: MB75
Email: pengsong.zhang (at) mail.utoronto.ca
Phone: (647) 269-61xx

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